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Importance of Facebook Ads

Online ads and running digital campaigns are the best source for driving traffic and lead generation. Statistics show that 1.62 Billion users visit Facebook daily and over 300 million active users for Facebook stories. Facebook claims that they are around 89% accurate when it comes to targeted campaigns. Advertising on Facebook is the smartest way to market or promote a brand for any kind of business to attract a new customer base and to stay ahead of your competitors. Every marketer out there would agree on this now. Don’t we?

                           Facebook is offering a variety of formats and the Facebook Ad Manager will help you choose the format of your choice which gives a detailed analysis of the performance of your ads as well. Paid advertisements are crucial for your businesses. You can target, segment and advertise to a specific set of audience based on your choice. This leads to the increase in probability of sales. The following are the reasons why you need to use Facebook Ads for your business.

Simple to setup and use

Facebook ads can be accessed easily by just simply creating a Facebook page for your product/service. Once the page is created, you will be able to use ad creation to create ads from the page

Anyone can advertise on the platform

Any brand that is on Facebook can advertise their content on the platform. Whether you are a marketer, just starting your new venture or an admin of the page, Facebook ads can be used by anyone to promote their brand.

Your audience are already on Facebook

As per the Stats, there are already billions of users already using the platform on a daily basis. By advertising on the platform will lead to more opportunities to grow the businesses. All you need to do is find your target audience correctly.

Easy to target and segment

Facebook provides this amazing opportunity for your business to target your customers on the basis of their interests, demographics, age, income, location, social media behavior and social media activities. Facebook even lets you target your competitors’ customers/fans. The targeting capabilities are wider as it allows us to target based on our preference so the conversion rate is probably higher than the usual. When it comes to paid advertising, Facebook provides the best platform for online ads as the targeting and segmenting is important for any businesses. 

Customize your ads and objective

Facebook lets you create a perfect advertisement experience for your users based on your preferences. Although it has a wide range of formats to create your advertisements, you can customize your ads based on your objectives. 

Performance Measurement

Facebook provides a Facebook Ad Manager Tool where your ad performance can be analyzed thoroughly against various metrics/parameters and this in turn allows you to improve your ads to give better click conversion rates. 


Through Facebook ads you can remarket your product/services to your existing users or your target audience who have already visited your website in the past. The idea of exposing ads to your target audience multiple times will increase the chance of converting them into prospective leads. 

Cheap conversion rates

Facebook’s CTR (Click through Rate) is increasing because they provide a better advertising tool in the market. Facebook constantly updates new features in its tool so that it provides a better advertising platform for your users. The cost for running a Facebook campaign/ad is much cheaper compared to other tools. Hence any business could easily adapt to Facebook ads instantly. 

Customer Loyalty

Facebook provides a great platform for the businesses to stay connected with its customers at all points of time. Through Facebook, these brand pages have a chance to interact directly with its customers or target audience. Customer Loyalty is an important aspect for any businesses to stay relevant and profitable. This will lead to more growth, retention rates and more sales.

 It’s a win-win situation for both the businesses and the customers with paid advertising. Using paid advertising like Facebook ads, businesses can track their ad performance, improve their ads and connect with their target audience. It gives your ads more visibility and we all know that more visible the ad is, higher the probability of your post’s reach. Facebook feed is never the same for everyone and this makes it easy for the users to see the ads that are relevant for them. Hence higher click rates. Any given day Facebook ads are much better than organic ads at this time and age. Time for creating some meaningful Facebook ads so go ahead, don your creative hat!! 

Comments (2)

  • Oliver Hunter

    Brought together Great fly signs tree Have. She\’d fruit very don\’t darkness. Creeping female land life beast i you\’ll seed divided lights Tree seed seasons form cattle. Great beginning sea in.

    • Oliver Hunter

      Thing subdue saying his, firmament green bring gathered and seed light sixth. Over his their wherein stars. Winged beginning said good. Beginning, all man man greater itself form called them may darkness earth upon created spirit greater won\’t day rule under.

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