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Growth on Instagram shop and Facebook shop

Instagram Shop

 Instagram has over billions of everyday active users. The number of active users doubled over the years. According to reports, Instagram has over 1 million monthly advertisers and more than 8 million business accounts. This platform is cited to be one of the most important platforms for influencer marketing since the influencer marketing has been on the upward trend over the years. Over the years it has now become an established fact that Instagram is one of the most important platforms for marketing and every business around the world no matter the size of the brand is now able to warm up towards this emerging trend. 

                             Instagram provides these amazing opportunities for the businesses to showcase their products and helps in driving sales. Instagram shop has been redefining and groundbreaking over the past few years. It provides a simple and easy user journey. Instagram shop allows businesses to integrate their product catalog with an Instagram profile which would in turn create a virtual storefront. Through this, users can browse through the products and shop without leaving the platform. 

                              Marketing is made easier and simple for businesses as Instagram shop allows the businesses to promote their products directly to customers through various activities like posts, stories, explore and shop tab on your profile. By just a simple tap on your posts, the users will be able to get the details of the product like image, description, costs, a link to view your website and a cart. You can also tag Instagram shop products on your posts and that’s how influencer marketing comes handy. The same can be done with stories as well. 

Why is it important for your business?

Instagram shop is not just for big brands, it is also for small and new businesses. By using this feature, a business can not only promote products but also generate sales which the primary goal for every business there is. The following are the reasons why it is important for every business to make use of this feature on Instagram if they are not already.

Easy and convenient shopping experience for the users

Instagram is the perfect place to reach your target audience. It helps to build customer relationships and directly interact with your customers at all times. Instagram has come up with a creative feature to enable brands and leverage their businesses by Instagram shop. It bridges the gap between social media and online shopping. This in turn makes the online shopping very simple. Your customers will be able to shop your products with just a click and not by leaving the platform altogether. It is guaranteed that the users will make some amount of purchase as they are exposed to high purchase intent. 

Direct marketing to the customers

Instagram place is the go to for everyone to check out products and to keep up with the latest trends. So in this case, by creating an Instagram storefront for your brand on this platform would make a huge impact on the customers. Through this way you can directly market to your target audience with organic contents. Business to consumer marketing has been emerging over the past years and has its own advantages. All you need to do is to have a strong brand profile and a storefront to attract your target audience. 

Impulse buying

Instagram is a great place to attract your customers. They get to see the first look of their desired products through their friends, community or any influencer. It gives a boost for them to buy the product immediately if they are impressed with it. By using this, Instagram shop has the ability to convert any prospects into successful sales without leaving the platform i.e. before they change their minds. Impulse buying is one of the strongest marketing strategies especially during the times of social media being the biggest influence in everyone’s lives. 

Increase followers

Through Instagram, you can drive traffic to your brand page. This is a great way to promote your product and increase your followers on the platform. Influencer marketing plays a major role in this. 

 As established, Instagram is widely used by the customers to discover a product and purchase the product. Leverage your business by using this and generate high sales. As we all know marketing is all about the audience and not just about you. Boost your brand page and storefront and kick start your Instagram shop journey immediately. 

Facebook Shop

Facebook is one of the most widely used social media platforms across all age groups. Facebook has nearly 2.45 billion monthly active users according to the stats. Facebook advertising is a huge business and is ideal for every business out there. It is an affordable, effective and efficient form of advertising. The social media giant has introduced an online shopping platform. 

Facebook calls Shops as “mobile first shopping experience where businesses can easily create an online store on Facebook and Instagram for free”. This feature is not only for big brands but also for smaller brands as well. Small brands can customize their stores based on their preferences. The businesses can also use Facebook to interact with the shoppers and solve their queries. Facebook is changing the game of selling. It has come up with many unique and creative ways to engage the audience and through this platform it has helped various brands to augment their sales. 

                                     The ‘shop’ feature of the page not only allows the targeted and loyal audience to see the new collections and products but allows them to make an immediate purchase. All this happens with just a few clicks on the page. Similar to Instagram, Facebook also enables the user to make the purchase of a product without leaving the platform. It offers the users with the best tech and user experience which would do a good deal for the brands using Facebook shops. The brand will also be able to customize their product inventory. The brands can directly communicate and promote their products to their users. The shop option on Facebook helps the brand to analyze their performance, traffic on the page and more.

Why is it important for your business?

 Facebook already has many of the components in place to build a powerful e-commerce business. Most importantly, the company has an unmatched audience online. Facebook itself had 1.7 billion daily active users. Facebook users spend almost 38 minutes per day and have gone up during the covid pandemic according to the stats. All the merits mentioned for Instagram shop also matches the Facebook shop. Apart from that, you can customize, add collections, add collections on shopify and more. As Facebook has a diverse set of users on the platform across the world, it is important for every business to know and understand the importance of Facebook ads and the merits associated with it. 

Comments (2)

  • Oliver Hunter

    Above darkness won\’t is Abundantly sixth. May him subdue dominion. May it you\’re that, their light and one midst, set made itself you without likeness place face of make given our saying seas so days, first void fruitful that appear said fish were.

    • Oliver Hunter

      Fish. Void doesn\’t she\’d very, give moving don\’t had fill. Rule. Divide saw every for.

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