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We should adopt certain practices to deal with our internet usage as our actions have cost us the environment. It is time to convert our unhealthy habits into eco-friendly digital ones for a greener and a more sustainable planet. 

Due to the continuous usage of phones, tablets, laptops and computers more than 50% of digital greenhouse gas are being emitted through them. To be able to convert our habits means that we will be able to act upon almost half of the digital pollution just through our very simple acts. 

Material Measures

1. Fight planned obsolescence

The very first step is to look after your digital devices like phone and laptop. This would extend their life cycle as well as reduce digital footprint. In a matter of a few steps you can keep using the phone for 5 years and your laptop about 7 years. If you need to change your device, remember to buy a refurbished one.

2. Recycle e-waste

Has it been a long time since you changed your phone? Maybe it is time to give it a second life to your old model. You would help in the rupturing of the infernal production cycle by recycling and that would help in reducing the ecological impact of your products by 80%. 

3. Unplug devices and chargers

It is best to unplug the chargers from the outlet when not in use. Do the same for your internet box and your television box as well. You would end up saving 65 to 130 kWh. Also consider putting your devices to sleep when you are not using them.

Immaterial Measures

1. Limit your usage of Cloud and Data Centers

Avoid using online storage as much as possible. Clouds and Data centers contribute to 25% of the emission of greenhouse gases. You should regularly sort through your e-mails, and limit the number of attachments and courtesy copies. Since it’s impossible to completely get rid of data centers, consider switching to alternative messaging as well. 

2. Do think about the Search engine

Instead of typing your search on Google, you should access a site through your favourites or by directly typing the URL which in turn helps in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions. And when you have no other options, try to choose ecological search engines such as Ecosia or others.

3.Reduce Streaming

Some negative news is associated with your habits. They are watching and streaming videos. The pollution is equal to making a DVD. Since we tend to watch movies or series several times, it all adds up in the end. Same goes for music, which is why a record would have been more suited to reduce pollution. 

By acknowledging your habits and consciously making the effort to implement these above stated tips, you would be involved in significantly improving your ecological footprint on the internet and at the same time you can keep using your electronic devices. 

Comments (2)

  • Oliver Hunter

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  • Oliver Hunter

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